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, by Lyn Gala
Download , by Lyn Gala
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Product details
File Size: 1625 KB
Print Length: 280 pages
Publisher: DSP Publications; 2nd edition (March 31, 2015)
Publication Date: March 31, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#704,986 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Like all Lyn Gala books, this story is filled with complex characters and interesting interactions. The worldbuilding takes backseat to the characters and plot, but it still does a good job of painting a society where "water thief" is the worst insult imaginable. There are plenty of twists and turns in the story, and the reveal of the actual evil plot is worth the wait. Readers who are sensitive to abuse themes are strongly cautioned. While most of the more horrific abuse occurs off-screen, the psychological set up itself is pretty horrifying. Looking forward to reading the sequels and seeing Temar's continued recovery. All in all, an excellent quick sci-fi read.
Absolutely love this author's way of writing and the worlds she writes about!
Lyn Gala creates a rich, believable world that is both truly alien and completely understandable. Her characters are vibrant and engaging. I found myself hurting for Temar practically from the first paragraph as he begins his journey from being swept up in other's wake to standing up and being a man on his own.
BOOK ONE on 'Desert world' series. On a planet far, far away two men struggle to be together while their society struggles to survive. The first part is bit dark but it explains the backgrouds of the main characters. This book is just the first part of the story. Second book contains more of the relationship.
ok read. The first third of the novel is a bit of frustrating.. Slogging thru the set up with bad decisions others make and slavery. This sci fi novel takes place on a desert planet meant for terraforming that is left unsupported by the home colonies due to internal wars.
An excellent read.
On the desert world of Livre, wasting water is not just stupid, it's a crime. Temar Gazer and his sister Cyla have been trying desperately to keep their small family farm going after their father's death, but their water ration keeps going missing with impressive regularity. They suspect one of their neigbours, George Young, has somehow been stealing their water. But one night after Cyla goads Temar into going with her to gather evidence, disater strikes and they accidentally end up wasting gallons of George Young's water instead. Caught red handed the two of them have no option but to submit to the council's judgements and Temar loses out on becoming an apprentice glassmaker.Instead, Temar and his sister are sentenced to slavery for ten years for the waste of water but thankfully neither of them end up as slaves to George Young. It doesn't take Temar long to discover the identity of the real water thief, but his proof is destroyed and threats against his sister make it difficult to speak out against the culprit.Shan Polli is a priest and also a council member, one of the few who oppose slavery on Livre, but he has no good solution to offer instead. Livre is on its own and it is considered a waste to have able-bodied people in prison getting fed when instead they could be out in the fields helping grow the few crops that the hostile desert planet can support. After an attack on his life after he visits Cyla to see how she is getting on, Shan realises that there are bigger things going on than just wasted water. But without knowing who they can trust, Temar and Shan are on their own to try and figure out what is going on.Lyn Gala has written an imaginiative tale with excellent world-building. You can feel the heat and the dust and the despair that the characters go through wondering if they can make it through another season without help from anyone else. The terraforming ships have long since stopped coming and the outer worlds are at war with each other, leaving Livre forgotten and unsupported.Temar's new owner is abusive, although most of the abuse happens offscreen as it were, the reader is just left with the evidence that it has happened. There are references to child abuse and sexual abuse, again offscreen and not used gratitiously, but adding to the characterisation.As this was a Dreamspinner Press book, I have to admit that I was expecting much more of a romance between Shan and Temar, so I was a little disappointed in that aspect, but there are supposed to be more books in the series so maybe that will be explored further. Don't get me wrong, Shan and Temar do share a very strong relationship, although at the moment it is not a sexual one and after Temar's abuse, that is fine by me. He needs time to come to terms with his slavery and Shan needs to consider his priestly vows as well, so it does make good narrative sense that the two of them don't jump straight into bed.All in all a good book and I'm glad I read it.Reviewed by Annette Gisby, author of The Chosen
A dying desert planet, forgotten settlers from partial terraforming project, a sexually abuse slave and a man who questions his career path as a priest. I found this book more about survival, than anything else. I enjoyed the book, but at times I found the main characters immature, though I see a lot of potential for the rest of this story in the second book.
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